The blog that reveals the shoestring travels of Judy through Europe, the UK and USA in 1988.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


4-II 88. Cold and clear.

It was a happy trip to Frankfurt, my travelling companions...a young girl from Amsterdam, going home from Turkey and a young fellow from the Black Forest who was so much fun, we laughed all the way. He was so entertaining. We were both fans of the Goodies and kept bursting into song, Horst Jankowski's 'A Walk in the Black Forest.'

I arrived at Frankfurt airport at 4pm ready for my departure at 7 pm. This was one flight I didn't want to miss. I was so looking forward to seeing everyone again.

My Malysian flight home.

My lovely travelling companions-Renata from Canberra and Horst from Lake Illawarra.

Some of the very relieved faces waiting to welcome me home.
Gaye and the twins.

Note the top of my little back pack that was my constant companion. (to the left of the picture)

I fulfilled my Shoestring Dream well and truly, saw everything I had ever dreamed of. As you have seen the memories are still with me today. It was a life changing experience empowering me to face the future with no qualms. If I could run around Europe on my own, no one to help me, I could do anything! Well- almost anything.

My sister in travel Janelle used to say,"I'm so glad I gave myself permission to make that journey." I know what she meant. I am glad to this day that I found the courage to go. It was a big leap of faith in myself. I came home a stronger person, and was very pleased with my shoestring efforts, my spending came in under the $5000 goal I had set myself. I was able to visit Europe again twice and gather even more wonderful memories.


  1. Well done, Judy - I feel as though I have been on the trip with you. I am so impressed with the way you have picked this up and run with it. Learning to use the blog job, the scanner, files, etc etc, Go the Grey-power, we are not done yet!
    Next stop blog2book and then movie rights .. Way to go
    The world is your prawn, or whatever

  2. Thanks Eunice, a labour of love as they say.
    Thanks also for your help along the way. Without you and Phil I would still be on chapter one!

  3. So - if this is an indication of things to come, all we can say is... when do we get to read about journeys 2 and 3???????

    Well done - a fantastic effort and a great read!

  4. Thanks Phloss for setting it up for me. I enjoyed every minute. Memories are wonderful.
    Looking forward to your next trip at Christmas. I will be coming with you via your blog.
